
Affiliate Disclaimer

PickTrampoline is a participant in the Amazon, CJ Affiliate, and ShareASale Associates Program. We may earn small commissions linking the products of these sites.

Guidelines by the FTC

We have made a commitment to do our best to comply with the new FTC guidelines and regulations concerning Product reviews and customer testimonials. Therefore, we feel it necessary to make the following statement.

  1. The primary goal of this site provide relevant information and additional resources to consumers to enable them to make well-informed purchasing decisions.
  2. Amazon, CJ Affiliate, and ShareASale offer a small commission on products sold through their affiliate links. Each of your purchases via our affiliation links supports our cause at no additional cost to you.


Each and every single testimonial cited on this site was provided by individuals of their own free will and by those who have tried the service and/or the product and offered their true and honest opinions. These testimonials were not solicited, and providers of these testimonials gain nothing as they were never compensated in the past, they are not being compensated in the present nor will they ever be compensated in the future.

Advertising Partners

Picktrampoline.com is also an advertising partner of several platforms, including Google Adsense, and EZOIC. Each of these partners has their own privacy policy and may use cookies on our site.

Additional Testimonials

Occasionally, the site features additional testimonials usually generated from our affiliated sites and advertisers. However, we only use them with their permission.


We don’t own any credit for product images. All the product specifications and product images have been taken from manufactures’ sites and our advertiser’s sites. And featured images and other general images are collected from free image sites.