Trampoline is a fun way to spend some time with kids and family members. But among this whole amazing fun, there can be one deal breaker which is a squeak in trampoline springs that anyone doesn’t like to hear.
So, the question arises why does my trampoline squeak? This mostly happens for the trampoline springs or joints squeak. And in initial cases, you can solve it on your own, but if it gets so severe, you will need a professional. Sometimes the trampoline noise can be so loud that may cause bad effects like headaches for you guys. Excessive noise may also be a reason to trampoline noise complaints by neighbors.
This article will take you through some handy tips on how to stop springs from squeaking.
Why Does My Trampoline Squeak or Noise?
Squeaking is a common thing that happens in every spring-based trampoline after a few months of use. There are three parts of the trampoline where noise creates the most- springs, metal frame, and joints.
This only happens if some sort of friction occurs in the springs or metal frames. Even metal joints such as screws or bolts can also have the same metal rubbing effect.
This also happens in brand-new trampolines. But the new trampoline squeaking is quieter than a year old one. With time the trampolines start having rust on their springs and joints, which is easier to solve in the initial time.
When rust forms extremely in the whole trampoline, it is no anymore safe to jump on that trampoline. You have to replace the rusted one with a new trampoline to manage safety and squeaking issues.
And if you don’t have severe rusting problems, you can eliminate the squeaking at home. But still, there can be some squeaking issues happening, which indicates the problem is causing the mat that is easy to fix.
See Also: Trampoline frame stuck together Solved
Is My Trampoline Squeaky for Springs?

If you specifically see that the spring is already squeaky. It may happen due to the tight coil that snaps with every moment and makes the noise that you hear actually.
Each time you jump on the mat, this sound gives you the assurance that you are flying now. But if you’re sensitive to any sort of sound, this trampoline squeak will be very annoying, right?
Otherwise, the starting sound of a trampoline is quite fun to hear. But once it gets rusty the fun sound can actually be irritating as the sound will increase thrice and will make the neighbors complain.
So how to fix a squeaky trampoline like this? The way is pretty simple. Just focus on cleaning and lubricating the springs from time to time. With that, also clean and lubricate the frame eyelet where the sprigs are hooked for support.
And be sure this cleaning and lubricating will reduce most of the annoying sound, and you can have fun for a longer time.
Read Also: Repurpose rusty or old trampoline
Do Mini Trampolines Make Noise?
Of course, they do. Just like the bigger ones, spring mini trampolines also have springs to give the perfect bounce you want.
So definitely, they will also squeak after a while of use due to friction among springs coils as well as friction among springs, frame, and v-rings. And the same method of cleaning and lubricating will be helpful here too, for curing the noise issue.
But there is a special kind of bungee mini-trampoline that uses bungee ropes rather than springs which lessen the noise from the roots. As the mat is connected with a durable and elastic strap, there is going to be no sound at all.
Though the other metal frames and joints will still be there, making a few acceptable noises. With that, the other main issue you can find with these mini trampolines is sliding issues.
Though most small trampolines or rebounders have rubber caps on their feet to keep the tramp in place. But for the sake of being on the safe side and not inviting any trampoline noise complaints from downstairs neighbors, place your trampoline on a carpet.
This way, the trampoline will stay in place and make avoidable noise.
How to Stop a Trampoline from Squeaking?
Well, I have already shared a few suggestions on how to eliminate trampoline squeaks in the initial stage. But for being clearer, I’m going to talk about all the ways of making a trampoline quieter.
But always make your safety the first priority, as handling these metal parts can be really tricky. You have to be especially careful while working with sharp objects like springs.
And if you are not habituated to working with springs, you should practice caution first. Now, let’s talk about different methods how to get rid of trampoline noise.
1. Spray on Rust Remover
In the first section of this article, I’ve talked about the rust issues that could cause by springs, metal frames, or joints. If you notice any kind of rust in any part of your trampoline just spray a rust remover on it. Let the liquid set into the metal for 15 minutes or an hour.
It depends on what kind of brand or spray you are using. Once the spray has done its work, scrub out the rust with a nylon brush. If you are done with brushing and removing rust, the next step will be cleaning the rust remover out of the trampoline frame.
You should never leave the rust remover spray on the frame as it can affect the stability of the metal. So, whenever you are done with the scrubbing, wash the metal frame, springs, or any space where you used the spray with water.
Then remove all the excess water quickly with any old cloth or leave it out in the sunshine to get dry properly. And you are well to go with the trampoline for noise-free trampolining.
Here is a rust remover recommendation–
See Also: Tips to prevent trampoline static shock
2. Use WD-40 on the Springs
Removing rust is an effective way to reduce the noise to a good level. But the tight springs and metal joints will still not be stopped from making the annoying noise. In this case, the best way is to find some grease for trampoline springs.
Grease or lubricant is a great way to smooth out the tight springs to reduce the noise. For a moving object like a trampoline, WD-40 is one miracle product that works great. It is a thin lubricant that you can use on the springs of your trampoline.
And this grease is also used as a corrosion inhibitor. Just ask any of your kids or house members to jump on the trampoline while applying the WD-40. It will allow the liquid lubricant to get into deep springs and make the trampoline bouncier and less noisy.
Note: Mixing any household lubricant or oil with WD-40 can reduce the effective power of WD-40. So, don’t do this.
3. Grease the Joints
Just like the springs, the joints also need some kind of oil or grease to perform smoother and noise free. Here the WD-40 can’t be used. Else you can use any sort of home-available grease or even Vaseline.
Just apply a pea-sized amount of grease on the tip of your finger around the trampoline frame’s eyelet where the spring hooks are attached. The finger application won’t let the grease get inside at once. A few jumping sessions will work for you.
Recommended product: Interflon Fin Super Lubricants
Read Also: Why is my trampoline frame bending?
4. Eliminate Trampoline Mat Squeaking
Trampoline mats are one of the noisy parts of a trampoline. But it can be solved with regular maintenance and cleaning the excess dirt from the trampoline. Also, when you or your kids get onto the trampoline, be sure the mat is not wet.
First, a wet mat can make more noise than a dry one, and also, it has the most potential to invite danger for anyone jumping on the trampoline. And when you are checking on the mat for maintenance, why not check if there is any worn or torn on the mat?
Check the holes first, as most trampoline wears and tears happen in that place. And also, look for any scratch on the mat, as it can attract wild animals to dig claws into it. In case the trampoline mat has holes, repair it with a patching kit soon.
Read Also: Tips to attach and detach trampoline mat
5. Repair Damaged Springs
Well, regular maintenance is a good way to reduce noise. But in case the noise problem is not yet solved, then it’s time to do some repairing work.
If the rust remover doesn’t work on the springs and the rust gets developed, it’s time to replace the springs with new ones.
Rusty springs make more noise and are also not safe for anyone to jump on. So, for your family’s safety let the trampoline out of service for a short time and find the same size springs for your tramp.
And don’t worry; it’s really easy to find the springs in any nearby brick-and-mortar shop.
Read Also: Causes and solutions of trampoline loose mat
6. Work on Screws Too
Well, as I said before, the metal joints have an equal contribution to making noise as the tight springs. So, if the spring replacement and maintenance do not work enough for you, go for the maintenance of screws.
The first thing you should check is if there is any loose screw or bolt in the trampoline. As you can understand, loose screws will allow the joints to make more friction and noise.
So first, tighten those screws and bolts. If you find any screw getting rusty, unscrew it, spray some WD-40 solution, and redo the same process of springs. And after removing the rusted screw, it back to the trampoline.
Also, when you feel the screws or bolts have become extremely rusty and can’t be used further, replace them with a new one.
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7. Replace Screws with Bolts
Well, if you want to eliminate at least one step of this maintenance or repair, the best way is to replace the screws with bolts. As you know, screws have a chance to come out or loosen up.
But replacing the screws with bolts will not allow the joints to loosen up again. Even it will keep the metal joints fastened for a long and don’t break any cracking metal noise while using the trampoline.
8. Store the Trampoline Properly
Repairing and maintenance are not enough to keep your trampoline noise-free. The “After Using Maintenance” is also important to keep your trampoline silent and long-lasting.
While you store the trampoline (after disassembling), keep it in an upright position and also apply a little bit of grease, like WD 40, in every joint. This will release the pressure on joints and keep your trampoline in a good situation for a long time.
9. Place the Trampoline on Soft Base
Some trampoline users may place their trampoline on concrete or hard surfaces; this could be a minor reason for causing trampoline noise. Although it’s not a major reason for trampoline squeaking, it should still be solved.
Try soft base material to put under the trampoline both for the indoor and outdoor trampoline. This will reduce the friction between the floor and trampoline legs, hence lessening the noise and impact.
And don’t forget to tie down the trampoline. This will hold the trampoline on the ground securely that, preventing skidding the trampoline and hence squeaking.
10. Avoid Overloading the Trampoline
Trampolines have their own weight-carrying capacity. Always respect the value and never exceed the weight limit.
If you repeatedly jump there beyond the weight capacity, there is a high chance of damaging the trampoline. And squeaking might be a sign of it. So, don’t do it anyway.
Video: Easy ways to quiet a noisy trampoline
Read Also: Heavy-duty trampolines
Frequently Asked Questions
a) Do trampolines need to be lubricated?
Ans: Yes, the trampoline needs to be lubricated to ensure quieter operation. When you work on maintaining the trampoline, the springs and metal frames should be lubricated. And if it’s not lubricated properly, it can increase the number of problems in your trampoline.
Such as the noise issue won’t be solved, the tramp won’t bounce your high as before, and also it won’t be safe again to use for anyone.
Read Also: Trampoline assembly mistakes
b) How often should I lubricate my trampoline?
Ans: Trampoline springs and frames should be lubricated at least once a year for any kind of trampoline. Lubricating yearly will keep your trampoline in good condition for years and keep it away from rusting.
Also, if you live in a highly humid place, lubricating once a year is not enough. You have to do it more often. And when the trampoline starts squeaking, you will know it’s time to lubricate.
c) Is it safe to use WD-40 on my trampoline?
Ans: If you maintain all the safety protection, WD-40 is safe to use on your trampoline. For trampoline safety, you have to make sure there is no excess liquid left on the trampoline after use. And for your own safety’s sake, use gloves and goggles while applying the WD-40.
Being petroleum jelly, it can be harmful to both the skin and the eye. So, maintain the precaution for sure.
Read Also: Tips to move a trampoline
d) Do Springfree trampolines squeak?
Ans: Springfree trampolines use flexible rods instead of traditional springs that are designed to be less squeaking and noisy. So they don’t make any significant noise.
Wrap Up
If you have made it to the end of this article, you already got a clear view of ‘how to stop the trampoline from squeaking.’ As you understand, there are many reasons behind trampolines making noise rather than spring squeaks, so you have to do a bit of maintenance for your trampoline.
The maintenance rule will always start with greasing the springs, joints, and metal frames, with doing the necessary replacements firsthand. Also, the mat should be maintained as it makes enough noise to make you annoyed.
Lastly, never forget to store it in an upright position with a little bit of grease on top.
Robert is a trampoline and rebounder trainer with a passion for blogging. He discovered his love for trampolining at a young age, when his father gifted him his first trampoline at the age of 9. Over the years, Robert has honed his skills and knowledge in the field, and now uses his expertise to train others.
Besides, helping fitness enthusiasts in the gym, Robert is very eager to share his knowledge and experience regarding trampolines and rebounder exercises with the readers of He will share all you need to know about trampolines and rebounders in this blog. Get his tips on trampoline and rebounder!